What was that??

A beautiful and Intelligent girl reached the city for her dreams,study and career goals. A city named Cheri. She got scholarship for V-city International college which was very popular college in the Cheri city for Higher Education. She was extremely happy. She wanted to live in the city forever. The city was very popular. There was a lot of public attention. Everyone wanted to go there and stay there. Magnificent and Gigantic buildings were there. People who live in Cheri city they had high standard of living. Expensive Cars, Houses, Services, Hotels, Shops, Fashion Trends, Markets, Architectures, Fitnessclubs, Companies, Multispecialty Hospitals, International Schools and Colleges,etc were there to fulfill the needs of the people who lived there. The facilities and services were very modern and advanced.  There were lots of opportunities to study,work and learn. In the night, city view was very beautiful. Everywhere were lighting. It seemed like the stars were on the ground. She liked everything. New place,new space, new people, new friends, new environment, new life,etc. The new and firstly things always likes everyone. Her new life was started happily. Firstly she adjusted her self in new place,situations and environment. She focus on her study. Other things could not distracted her. She was topper in V-city international college. She completed her higher education. She worked hard for her career goals. she wanted to work in reputed company and earn money. She gave interview in the college campus for reputed company. Company hired her based on her talent. She started to work now. She completed five year in that city. According to her dream it was only five years in the Cheri city. During this time she matured now. Everything was done according to her dreams. She had everything but she enjoying it less. She felt that new life began to become normal. Just as the days went out she noticed something. She found something. She found some differences between her new normal life and old normal life. She missed something.  What was that??

There was wonderful mountain called Peri-The Developed Mountain.  On that Mountain everything were available what Human want in their Daily life-Basic Needs of life. There were every needy and necessary things available for Animals, Birds and Human beings. All the facilities and Infrastructure were there. There were schools, colleges, Transport services and Hospitals also available. There were some kind of manufacturing Shops and other shops also available. Its like Furniture,Milk-Dairy Products-Milkmaid products, Foods, Wines, Medical, Groceries,  Cosmetics, Stationary,etc. There were lots of farmer and their Farm land. They planted all kinds of vegetables and fruits according to the season there. Traders from the nearby city were going to buy vegetables and fruits from them. There were various sounds came in the Morning,Afternoon,Evening and also Night. Sounds of Cold Air,Birds murmuring,Flowing stream,Sheeps and Goats,Chickens, Cows and Buffaloes,Wood cutting, A small river flowing from the Mountain,Insects,Children,etc. In the night Lots of Glowworms were there. From there the sky was very clear at night thats why people could see many stars. People from mountain and near by city called it A fortunate Mountain.

A Girl who lived on the Mountain whose name was samayra. She was so Pretty, Intelligent, Honest, Childish, Innocent, KindHearted, Classic, Cultured, Hopeful, Faithful, Self confident. She was very sharp minded. She looked like the girls of the city. She lived With her Family-Mamma, papa and Grand Mother. Her father was owner of Furniture shop and Dairy products shop. Mother was half owner of Dairy Products Shop. Her House was Big and Beautiful with all the Facilities. She had everything in her life. She lived simple and happy life. Family is important for her. She loved her family so much. She had limited friends. She believed in Quality not Quantity. She loved to spend quality time with her family and friends.

She liked to sit alone and observing the natural environment(nature). She was watching something from her mountain. Usually often She watched a city away from her mountain. She was thinking about how life would be there?? Often, the same question came to her mind. She had Some Dreams. But from all Dreams this was her primary Dream. It was not so big but She wanted to go in the city for study,fulfill her career goals and live her whole life there as City Girl. Her parents also supported her to achieve her dreams and life goals. Inspite of everything she wanted to go in the city and lived there just because of her dream was so. 

She was in the last year of schooling. After that she finished her schooling with Good Grade (Distinction). As her dream she filled her form for V-city international college,Cheri city. But she didn't get admission in V-city international college due to no vacancies of college student's seats. After that she was downhearted at that point. She was strong not only physically but also mentally. she was clever girl and didn't lost her dream just because of this little things happened to her. She Decided to get admission on her Mountain college-Lily Mountain College. In her college time she did more hard work on study. She got a scholarship for higher education in V-city international college in which she wanted to study. She was so happy at that time and excited for her higher study and to be live her dream in the city. She went to her house and told her family that she got a scholarship and chance to study in V-city international college. Everyone seemed to be extremely happy. In this excitement,her holidays were completed very quickly. She started packing just a few days before going to the Cheri city. She prepared her self for the new journey of life. She got ready to go. Her father managed all the things for her living circumstances in the Cheri city. Every things were settled for her city life. She went to Cheri city.


What was that?? She missed her Parents and their love, Mountain, Relations, Friends, A pure atmosphere, Some voices, Cold wind, Peace, Nature, Trees, Peace of mind, Pure foods, Natural things, Greenery, A simple life, Healthy and wealthy life, Stressless life,etc. She felt that in the city people live their life but not by their heart. People did not enjoying their life. In the city there were Lots of noises, Pollution, Selfishness, Corruption, Showoffs, Fake smiles, Fake relations, Fake friends, Competitions,etc. There were nothing other than a hard and fast life in the city. Despite of everything people feels lonely in the city. There were no trees. The city was far far away from nature. She hoped something different from the city. The hopes were fulfilled for some extent but only a little less in what were needed in basic,simple and happy life. She realized that she feel safe and good on her mountain. She felt that she was lived in the lap of nature/God. She considered the house on her mountain as A peaceful Place-Paradise.

Though she had everything, she tried to understand why she came to the city. She saw the dream and she fulfilled it with her Heart,Hard work and Passion. But she did not underestimate the truth of life. She decided to go back to Peri-Mountain after finished her work contract. She Changed her Goal of life. Her thinking was completely changed. She was well understood that her existence was not in the city but on the mountain itself.  she wanted to do something for her mountain. She decided that she would not let her mountain be like a city. For this, she decided that she will spread awareness about that and will try that the next generation to maintain it. She decided that whatever she would do now she will do it on the mountain-for the  mountain. She contributed to the forest conservation. By all this she did not hate the city. After all,the city gave a lot to her. In That city she made her dream come true and from that journey she learned that what life really is. She used to go to that city for work and live for a few days.

She understood that the desires of the human being grow and change day by day. Human beings can not control the desires. She understood that when we have seen the dreams once we should check it in depth. Sometimes it is necessary to have satisfaction in life. She understood that 'All that glitters is not gold.' Sometimes you have to look carefully around you. You have to think that What will happen to you if you do something or not. Once you have to think that What did you have?? What do you have?? What would you have?
'Passing through some situations only leads to the some truth'.

Now look around you and think about what is happening in your current life and what do you have that you never want to lose. In the life of so far what did you have/got that you never want to lose. Think deeply and answer yourself. I guess some answers came in your mind. What was that??


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