Justice by self

A woman was playing with small and tiny girls. The woman named Aashna was behaving like a little girl. People living there called her crazy-unstable. Aashna belonged to a well-known middle class family. She used to play with little girls everyday. But her vision or focus was explicit. It seemed like she was waiting for something or someone. She was spending a lot of time outside the house. Nobody knew why she was mostly living out of the house all day and despite of such her mental condition,why didn't any member of her house take care of her. No one was aware of the fact that due to her mental condition, she was removed from the house by house member or she went out of the house leaving her home by her will. People living there believed that she was expelled from the house due to her mental condition. But she used to go back home for a while and at night but people didn't notice that.

Everything was changed after the incident with her. The voices of quarrels were often came from her house. The behaviors-attitudes of the members of the house and the residents were changed towards her. Because of that, the environment of the house was getting worse. All members of the house were thinking about home and personal reputation. Instead of giving her warmth and support, everyone was against her. That matters-situations-conditions did not affect her. She just lived in her own separate world. When the family brings a doctor to her, she escaped saying that she did not want to get any treatment and she wasn't mad. Despite a lot of explanation, she wasn't ready to do her treatment. Now she started to live her own life according to her way. The family members also started to do everything in their own way. Now the time passed so much that no one in family would argued with her.

One day she was playing with little girls just like every day. At that time there were four or five drunk and characterless boys came at that place. They stared at the little girls and Aashna in bad way. This same thing happened continuously four-five days. It seemed that they were coming to notice something everyday. Now they were convinced that the woman was really unstable. The next day, where Aashna and little girls were playing, all of them went to there and started touching and spoke dirty words about girls/women. One of them said a name and the woman became very angry, as if she had assumed Rudra form of her. She lost her mind. She started Karate steps to beat everyone. The people living around there gathered together because of the noise and they were amazed at seeing this woman because in her this form it did not seem like she was unstable. At that time the police came and took the Monsters away. But still there was something left. Her eyes were unsatisfied. It's looked like She waited for something to happen. And in such a loud voice came from far away.

From where the police was going to take those Monsters from there there was a road between a valley. There was a boy lying on the road. And the police descended to see him. The car slowly went ahead and fell into the valley. So there was explosion and its sounded loud. As soon as a car of police fell down, the boy got up from there and went to a woman standing nearby. The woman was a black belt and taught karate in school, who was a friend of Aashna. She was only who supported Aashna and also taught her karate. The police understood everything but because of the humanity, they kept quiet. They proved that that was an accident.

Aashna had a little cute daughter. Her name was Tia. She was so pretty. One day she went to play outside the house as usual. But she did not return home. So everyone started searching for her but she didn't get from anywhere. That is why they complained to the police. Police assured that they would find her and not to worry. But after a week, after receiving the dead body of a little girl, the police called Aashna and her family to identify the girl. And unfortunately it was Tia. All the members of the house were shocked because of the fact about Tia in the postmortem report. Tia was raped by gang and after that she was killed by stone from the fear of getting caught. The police took the case on hand but they did not get anything, may be they did not investigate the case so deeply Or there may be some other reason. Because of this, she decided to find them. She prepared her self for Justice by Self against The Demons in the form of men.

Aashna wanted to find out the devils who did rape and kill her daughter. Aashna and her black belt friend prepared the entire plan for that. She was just pretending to be unstable so that she could catch the monsters. Because of this reason she didn't care about anything else. For this reason Aashna played with the girls with whom her daughter Tia played. On the first day when boys were came there, she came to know that one of them was a boy of the rich house and the other were his friends. And then she realized that why the police did not find/get anything in the case. Seeing those boys, she saw a fear in the eyes of little girls. And one of the girls told about Tia that they took away Tia from near her house when she and Tia were going back to the home. They often came to their and touched them. They gave them Chocolates and warned them not to tell anyone about it. Aashna was just waiting for those monster. Her friend helped her to prepare the evidence of all this things and was recording everything. By showed some evidence, her friend brought the police there at that time. The boy who was lying on the road was also her friend's son.

After that occurrence, she contributed her time in the issue related to the same problems and things. She tried to bring awareness among the people about this issue. She was giving some knowledge about that issue to small girls and young girls. She also taught girls how to self defense by self in some situations. She had regret that she could not save her daughter. But she did get peace and some good vibes from doing this work.

What would have happened to a mother when she had to know the fact that her delicate daughter like a flower had been raped and later killed. After knowing this, living as a warrior and fight back is a very tough task without support of Family. Such power like this can be only with a mother. A mother can go to any extent to her daughter/child. A mother can do anything for her daughter/child. 

Aashna took revenge for her daughter. She had lost her daughter Tia, she will not get back Tia and its loss never fills. But from within she felt some peace by revenge. This is called Justice. Justice by self. It is necessary to do this when (situation like can't live- can't bear- can't speak) someone does not support actual fact and if someone else can not do justice, then it becomes necessary to do it by self. She believed that people who have done such terrible-disgusting work like that should not be punished by small or big penalties, they should only be Death penalty or Life imprisonment. 

If a human is not able to live as human being, then its only a wild creature and this wild creature do not have to be left wandering freely around humans otherwise it could damage humanity. Humanity may collapse by it. Because of that wild creatures will have to live with some fear every single day and why should people feel or tolerate that fear just because of some Monsters/Wild creatures? That is why it is very important for human beings to be judged by it either through another or by self. 

#Justice for Girls/Women.
#Justice for Existence of women.
#Justice for Women Respects.
#Justice for Freedom of Women.
#Justice for family member of Victims.
#Justice For Human Beings. 
#Justice for Humanity.
#Justice for Fearless World.
#Justice by Self.


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