
Eleven people were celebrating a success. That was a family. All of them were very happy. Everyone was feeling proud. In that success party there were no additional people because they weren't in their town/country. The joy of celebrating success with own family and loved ones is different-special.

A middle class family in the city, Henry and his wife Natalia lived normal lives. Henry has three children-Two sons and One Daughter. Boys named Arul and Paul. A pretty girl named Valencia. All three children were very intelligent in all their ways. They were also very bright in education. Now all three were well higher educated and doing job. Like every parents, Henry and Natalia loved their three children.

One day Arul, his wife Sania, his son Shivesh and daughter Lesha, Paul, his wife Veronika, his son Vihan were talking and watching TV. One of them changed channels and suddenly they both were stunned by watch someone on TV show. They closed the talks and saw that whole show. They saw a full show and realized something. They felt two different emotions at the same time. A feeling of happiness and also a feeling of regret. They started discussing about past, that TV show presenter and about why they got distracted by that feelings.

The desire of Arul and Paul was to become well-settled in the life by having a good reputed job. But the desire of Valencia was completely different-out of boundary. She wanted to explore The World. She was passionate for it. She used to hold the same obstinacy all the time since she was small. She didn't have to live normal life like everyone else. Every time her father explained to her that middle class person like them could not do that and do not afford that. They don't have enough money to explore the world. But she didn't pay attention on that. Then she decided that she would begin explore world from whatever she has earned and her extra savings. She told about that to everyone at home and everyone opposed it. According to the way/tradition of society, there is some distinction between boys and girls, this distinction is manually-naturally happens even though parents don't want to be done. They have to do it without wanting because of Society or Some other reasons. They didn't give a permission to her just because she was a girl. They said her that how could a girl roam the world alone?, it would be less money for travelling the world, how could she survive alone at the unknown places?, where would she wanted go?, how could they contact with her?, the world is not as good as she understands,etc. She didn't give any answer to anyone. But after a month, she went out for her world tour with some basic plan.

She believed that "Where there's a will there's a way". First, she went to the country where the country's money value was less than her money value and the country where she got visa on arrival. She was so happy. She explored small and free places first. She saw a lot of new things, places, people, languages, traditions, history, dressing senses, nature, atmosphere, foods, values, cultures, manners, way of life, etc. She got a new feelings and experiences.

It was her habit that she wrote all the information of wherever she went. She started writing about 'the history and other things of each places- she went to' in the book. She mentioned every single things related to places. Like culture, tradition, nature, atmosphere, values, regimen, principles, laws, costumes, manners, colors, foods, languages, how it became popular, how it developed, who made it, nearest places, nearest popular shops/food/places/river/mountains/stations/airport, timings, km, how to reach the place,etc. Gradually, she collected a lot of information about travelling,roaming and different places.

Previously there was not much trouble because of basic plan, selected popular places, enough money and internet. As the days went by, her money was diminished. She was very upset. She did not understand what to do. One day, passing through the road, she looked at cafe and it's vacancy board. She decided to working and started working part-time at cafe. By that job she was only able to get enough money for her basic needs. But it's not enough for travelling and her dream. One side part time job required to earn money for survive and on the other side she wanted to live her life according to her dreams. For a long time, she could not even finish one country that was her second big tension. She often remembered her family. But then she remembered what they had said last time and then she used to make her mind even more adamant to fulfill her dreams. 'Sometimes God just wants to challenge people's heart against their tough situation. As long as people commit to overcome it, God will send someone to support them after next.'

There a clever girl named Emma became her friend at Cafe. She was studying in IT faculty. She was also working part-time there. Valencia talked to her about her situations and problems. She found a solution for Valencia. She showed Valencia a lot of options on the Internet about making money while travelling. And she also showed some useful applications about jobs and travelling so that she could easily find out what she need. In it, it was possible to get a job by any time and even for single day. By which she was able to do job while she was free. One day Emma saw Valencia's book. In that she saw the deep written information about the places where Valencia was gone. Seeing it, she advised Valencia to write a blog on travelling and different places. Emma taught her how to write a blog. Valencia decided to write a blog. Valencia thanked her so much for all helps and told her that she is The Angel of her life. Both of them looked very happy and excited. Then she made her own blog about travelling and different unique places base on her travelling experiences. According to what she wrote in  'The Book- Valencia's Treasure', she started writing everything on the blog.

At the same time, she started putting her new pictures with new places, the history of the place and the other things connected with it, her thoughts about the places on the social media platform like Instagram, Snapchat, Facebook, Tumblr, Pinterest. All that new account she created only for explore places and other things on social media. Because of that, she got more involved with people related to travelling. She joined the new groups and circles relates with Travelling, Exploring World, New-Unique Places, Wandering People, Travel presenters, Tour Guides, Travel Agents,  Bloggers, etc on social media.

By writing a blog, she got the sense of exploring the places- what to explore and find accordingly, how to explore, what to write, how to write,etc. After she started writing a blog she started having more trouble because shortage of time. Then she decided that she would get certain estimated money to go to some place by doing a consecutive job, then after she would go to that place. That's how she continued to visit other places. Just like that she roamed five countries. "God helps those who help themselves and put efforts."

She realized that how little she actually knew about the world, by that trips she improved her social and communication skills, it helped her to get original and creative thoughts, it broadens her horizons, it enhanced her tolerance for uncertainty, it boosted up her confidence, she got her real life education, she found so many good friends, she created memories for life time, it helped her to have fun, she knew her self now.

In the meanwhile because of her blog details and genuine information about places on her blog/social media platform she got offer for hosting-presenting a travelling TV show from reputed well known channel of travelling. That was one of the benefits of social media. She accepted that offer because now she really needed more-extra money to survive and go further and explore more places. She was so happy. In that show, she had to give information to viewers about new places and other things related to it. She became very successful as a host just because of her passion, hardwork, confidence and her learning-exploring quality. Now she was so successful that she could took her entire family to the world tour.

They had seen Valencia's show so both of them were stunned by watch her on TV show. One side they were delighted that their sister was successful in fulfilling her dreams by herself and at the other side they were disappointed because they did not support her when she genuinely needed it. At the same time the door bell rang and it was Valencia. Valencia talked to brothers and asked about parents. They called their parents, her sister in laws and two nephews and one niece. They were surprised to see her at home. She started crying because she had met them after a long time. She realized that 'have to lose something to get' (people win some, people lose some) because she missed a lot of things like family functions and other beautiful unforgettable moments. Everyone sat together and talked about each other. Now she answered all of their questions to them. She offered them a world tour. They said yes to her and all went on a world tour after a month. First of all, she planned a surprise party there for the family because first time she was in another country with her full family. She also called Emma in that party because she was also her family. The whole family was proud of her. Valencia was satisfied with the completion of her half-dream. She was very happy about that she took her family to the world tour. Then everyone asked her what she would do next. There were questions about her marriage in the parents's and other family member's mind which were visible in their eyes.  So she answered that still half of the dream was finished yet half left. She said that she would find a partner herself. And all began to laugh because she was still not changed. But now they had full faith and complete confidence in her that she would handle anything now. She was bloomed now.

If humans want a good crop, then they have to carefully cure the seeds/buds. Upbringing is very important for any seed-bud-life-soul. If the seed receives systemic/matic Fertilizers, Sunlight, Free air, Water, Tricks, Methods, Procedures and Little care, it always blossomed well. If you missed to give something exactly the way, It can be quite affected. Extreme losses can also occur. Likewise humans also need some things- 'Love, Trust, Care, Respect, Safety, Loyalty, Honesty, Independence, Happiness, Communications, Sacrament, Understanding, Feelings, Emotions, Warmth, Ardour, The freedom to do something, Beliefs, Demeanour, Tact, Humility, Treatments, Compromises, etcto grow well. If all boys and girls gets those things in a systematic way, the situation can improve. Often, Parents-Relatives-Neighbors stop girls from doing what they want to do based on their dreams. Why do girls compromises every time. She just needs one faith that there will always be someone with her in any problems-conditions-situations. Then no one can stop her to achieve anything and nothing is impossible to her. Let the world know its existence. But it's only possible when its blossomed well.


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