Two Squirrels And Grandpa..

Regularly, a small boy used to play with dog in his own home garden whose name was Aarush. The garden was so rich and fruitful. Various types of Flowers, Small plants, Vegetables, Fruits and Trees were planted in that garden. For the past several time, the two squirrels were lived in that garden.Their names were Tutu and Chiku. They both lived in The Nest box, which were specially prepared by one member of house. Both of these squirrels were very cute, clever and always living together. Both of them had fun and played without fear in the garden. They had a habit. Tutu and Chiku were going to eat at one time & at one place everyday and it was a small wall of garden. They used to wait for someone everyday at that time and place. Good or bad, habits always deliver results. An old man from the house came daily to give Almonds,Walnuts and Peanuts to both of them. This old man was the grandfather of Aarush. Aarush used to call him Grandpa. Aarush had named the squirrels. Grandpa, Aarush and Two squirrels knew each other well. Grandpa used to sit with both of them for a while and talk to them. During that time they ate all the almonds and peanuts. Grandpa was very happy to see them eating.

Once, both of them went to the small garden wall and waited for Grandpa for some time but Grandpa did not appear, nor did Almonds/Peanuts/Walnuts. Both of them thought that Grandpa did not come for some reason today. Both of them had hoped that Grandpa would come Next day. While discussing about the reasons and Grandpa, they went back to their Nest box. But Grandpa did not even appear the Next day. Because of that Tutu and Chiku became depressed. They felt sad. Similarly one week had passed. Tutu and Chiku started worrying about what happened to Grandpa. Both of them decided that they would go to near the house and find out whether Grandpa is in the house or not. They both went towards the house and saw that the house was not closed but no one was there. They got separated from each other while finding Grandpa. Both knew their whereabouts. Before the evening, Chiku reached its nest box but Tutu did not return. Chiku became frightened and started looking around and waiting for Tutu. Chiku hoped that Tutu would come back. Chiku started thinking about Tutu that where will tutu be?? What will Tutu do?? What happened to Tutu?? Why did Tutu not return?? Will Tutu have forgotten the way to home?? Whether Tutu will be safe or not?? Tutu did not return even the next day like a Grandpa. Chiku's hope began to decline and She became very sad. On the third day, Chiku gave up the hope that Tutu and Grandpa will be back. Chiku was frustrated by the fear of being alone.

And suddenly Chiku saw Grandpa. Grandpa was coming closer to the small wall of Garden. Chiku quickly reached the wall. Chiku saw Tutu in Grandpa's hand when Grandpa came near to the wall. Chiku was so happy to had been seeing Tutu and Grandpa. Chiku started dancing but suddenly the attention of the Chiku was on the white bandage which was wrapped on the Tutu's neck. There were so many questions for both of them in Chiku's eyes. Chiku was eager to answers from both of them. At first, Grandpa carefully kept Tutu on the wall. Chiku asked Tutu what had happened to her?? Tutu responded that when she went to find Grandpa,she reached the back side of the house and the cat had hunted her. But Toby came in front of the cat and the cat got frightened. Toby was the name of Aarush's dog. Due to that she escaped from cat's mouth. She was injured and blooded. Toby helped her and brought her to Grandpa's son. Grandpa's son took her to the Animal hospital and had treated as soon as possible. She was kept in the hospital for two days.

Tutu and Grandpa's son came back from the hospital just when Grandpa and Grandma came along from somewhere. And Grandpa saw Tutu in this condition and firstly brought to The Wall. Tutu was happy because she was completely well, she was returned to home and saw Grandpa and Chiku in front of her. Still,Tutu had not believed that she was survived. Tutu felt that she and Chiku was fortunate that they were living in this garden and around this kind of (good&helpful) people/dog. Grandpa put the almonds/peanuts/Walnuts on the wall and both of them ate it happily. Then Tutu and Chiku was looking at grandpa so Grandpa understood that now they wanted his answer. Grandpa did not speak anything and went from there to home. Grandpa came again and went back after seeing something.

The next day Grandpa brought one thing along with Almonds/Walnuts/Peanuts. But Tutu and Chiku did not eat anything that day. They were upset with Grandpa because he went away yesterday without saying anything. They were wanted answer. Then Grandpa told them that suddenly a question came in his mind for his son so he went to question his son yesterday. Both of them asked Grandpa what was the question?? Grandpa replied that if he gave the responsibility of putting Almonds/Peanuts/Walnuts on the wall to his son, then why did not he do that work?? But His son said that he had put many Peanuts/Almonds/Walnuts near the wall every day but squirrels did not ate it. Grandpa came back to look for Almonds/Peanuts/Walnuts and he saw many Almonds/Peanuts/Walnuts near the wall yesterday. The ants were eating all that Almonds/Peanuts/Walnuts. Grandpa realized that from the difference of the time and place, Tutu and Chiku did not get Almonds/Peanuts/Walnuts.

Grandpa discussed with his son that the true cause of this situation of Tutu was grandpa himself and his son, what both of them did not work properly. Grandpa perceived that he had to tell his son about the time and place where and when Tutu and Chiku were coming to eat. Then Grandpa's son changed the talk to improve the mood of Grandpa. After that Grandpa's son who was a professor in the engineering college, prepared Wooden box for Tutu and Chiku. This was the single member of house who had prepared special Nest box for pair of them. On that Wooden box, two buttons were there. By pushing one button, Almonds/Peanuts/Walnuts were coming out of it and pressing the another button was blowing a bell in the house. So, Tutu and Chiku could eat anytime and may call the members of the house in need. The reason for making this Wooden box by Grandpa's son was both of them do not go to find out Grandpa again. Grandpa put the Wooden box on the wall and showed how it works.

Still, Tutu and Chiku did not get the answer of their question. So they asked Grandpa that why Grandpa did not come for few days. Grandpa responded that he had gone to Goa with the Grandma because it was their marriage anniversary in past week. Grandpa's son gifted them a surprised ticket of Goa trip on their Anniversary. Tutu, Chiku and Grandpa were laughing very much at that point. And then both of them ate Almonds/Peanuts/Walnuts using that Wooden box.

Sometimes what happens around you is not as serious as it sounds. Not all things need to be taken seriously all the time. Otherwise, there will be a condition like Tutu without any reason. Sometimes you just have to laugh at your problems and need to take circumstances lightly. Everything happens for some reason, live it, Love it, Learn from it and Have a hope for tomorrow.


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