

Eleven people were celebrating a success. That was a family. All of them were very happy. Everyone was feeling proud. In that success party there were no additional people because they weren't in their town/country.  The joy of celebrating success with own family and loved ones is different-special. A middle class family in the city, Henry and his wife Natalia lived normal lives. Henry has three children-Two sons and One Daughter. Boys named Arul and Paul. A pretty girl named Valencia. All three children were very intelligent in all their ways. They were also very bright in education. Now all three were well higher educated and doing job. Like every parents, Henry and Natalia loved their three children. One day Arul, his wife Sania, his son Shivesh and daughter Lesha, Paul, his wife Veronika, his son Vihan were talking and watching TV. One of them changed channels and suddenly they both were stunned by watch someone on TV show. They closed the talks and saw that whole s

Justice by self

A woman was playing with small and tiny girls. The woman named Aashna was behaving like a little girl. People living there called her crazy-unstable. Aashna belonged to a well-known middle class family. She used to play with little girls everyday. But her vision or focus was explicit. It seemed like she was waiting for something or someone. She was spending a lot of time outside the house. Nobody knew why she was mostly living out of the house all day and despite of such her mental condition,why didn't any member of her house take care of her. No one was aware of the fact that due to her mental condition, she was removed from the house by house member or she went out of the house leaving her home by her will. People living there believed that she was expelled from the house due to her mental condition. But she used to go back home for a while and at night but people didn't notice that. Everything was changed after the incident with her. The voices of quarrels were ofte


ये हर जिंदगी की कहानी है| एक बार पानी पीने के बाद, आधे घंटे में फिर से, पानी की प्यास लग ही जाती है| जिंदगी की ख्वाहिशो का भी,  कुछ ऐसा ही सिलसिला है!| एक पूरी हो जाये तो दूसरी जगती है, और अब मेरी बारी है,  ऐसा वो कहती है!| नई नई उम्मीदे जगाती है,  पूरा कर लो इसे,  फिर कुछ नहीं चाहिए ऐसा कहती है,  लेकिन उसके बाद वाली भी, पीछा छोड़ती नहीं है!|    बस यही सिलसिला चलता चला जाता है, और आसानी से,  इसकी बातो में सभी आ जाते है!| हजारो ख्वाहिशे ऐसी है, जिसे पाने और पूरा करने के लिए, कुछ ओर देखे बिना, सिर्फ दौड़ना ही पड़ता है,   बस इसीलिए, भागते रहेंगे तो जिंदगी कब जियेगे?  और जिंदगी में क्या पाएगे? लेकिन कई ख्वाहिशे,  कुछ सीधा सादा थोड़ा भी करने से, दिल को उमंगो से भर देती है, नयी बहार ले आती है,  एक सुकून दे जाती है!| वोही कई ख्वाहिशे,  जिंदगी के लिए अनमोल हैँ!| उस हजार और कई में,  फर्क करना हमारे ही बस में है!| सिर्फ दौड़ना ही है? या कुछ पाना भी है? जो ख़ुशी ले आए, जो जिंदगी में रंग ले आए,  जो कुछ महसू

Two Squirrels And Grandpa..

Regularly, a small boy used to play with dog in his own home garden whose name was Aarush. The garden was so rich and fruitful. Various types of Flowers, Small plants, Vegetables, Fruits and Trees were planted in that garden. For the past several time, the two squirrels were lived in that garden.Their names were Tutu and Chiku. They both lived in The Nest box, which were specially prepared by one member of house. Both of these squirrels were very cute, clever and always living together. Both of them had fun and played without fear in the garden. They had a habit. Tutu and Chiku were going to eat at one time & at one place everyday and it was a small wall of garden. They used to wait for someone everyday at that time and place.  Good or bad, habits always deliver results.  An old man from the house came daily to give Almonds,Walnuts and Peanuts to both of them. This old man was the grandfather of Aarush. Aarush used to call him Grandpa. Aarush had named the squirrel

What was that??

A beautiful and Intelligent girl reached the city for her dreams,study and career goals. A city named Cheri. She got scholarship for V-city International college which was very popular college in the Cheri city for Higher Education. She was extremely happy. She wanted to live in the city forever. The city was very popular. There was a lot of public attention. Everyone wanted to go there and stay there. Magnificent and Gigantic buildings were there. People who live in Cheri city they had high standard of living. Expensive Cars, Houses, Services, Hotels, Shops, Fashion Trends, Markets, Architectures, Fitnessclubs, Companies, Multispecialty Hospitals, International Schools and Colleges,etc were there to fulfill the needs of the people who lived there. The facilities and services were very modern and advanced.  There were lots of opportunities to study,work and learn. In the night, city view was very beautiful. Everywhere were lighting. It seemed like the stars were on the ground.